Understanding the USA's adversarial strategic intentions against the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the model and content of Eugene Santos

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Futures Studies Management, Supreme National Defense University

2 PhD in Futurology and Assistant Professor of the Supreme National Defense University.

3 MA from Iran University of Science and Technology, Excellent expert of Industry

4 PhD in Regional Studies and International Relations and Assistant Professor of the University of Tehran and Deputy for Political Affairs of the President's Office.



In all of battles and wars, especially wars of will and determination, early understanding the enemy's intentions, plans and maps is an important factor in victory. Knowing the general plan or understanding the intentions of the enemy requires model and framework; In this article, by descriptive and analytical method and using documentary and library sources, the Sentos model is presented to understand the strategic intentions of the United States against Iran. Almost after Gary Hamel, most of the literature for understanding strategic intentions, especially with adverserial approach, belongs to Eugene Sentos. The components of the Santos intentions model to terms of comprehensiveness and depth are superior than other models in, especially for strategic levels. The components of her model include "Iran's fundamental beliefs and assumptions about itself", "Iran's beliefs about the United States", "Iran's basic goals toward the United States", and "Iran's basic actions toward the United States". His model is more valuable than his findings about Iran. Understanding strategic intentions have shifted from person-centered to intent fusion systems, this systems connect to a variety of behavioral sensors in the air (satellite, aircraft, and UAV), land, sea, and political, Social, economic, industrial and infrastructure networks and this systems with the help of knowledge bases, artificial intelligence and software systems are on the verge of accessing big data, meta-analyzes and social knowledge are more real. The IRI and its institutions must logically and systematically design models and processes for understanding the strategic intentions of the enemies in their structure and contexts.


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